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Cuban and Stewart discuss the future of AI and ending abusive drug prices

Mark Cuban, the billionaire businessman I’ve never been a big fan. I put him with other billionaires who are more concerned about getting richer than anything else, including their family. According to what I saw in the last week, however, I could not have been more mistaken about Mark Cuban.

Cuban appeared on the “Daily Show” of Jon Stewart who, as an interviewer, is often better than most journalists. Cuban stated that he didn’t want to chase the next great power trip. Instead, he wanted to get closer with his children and grandkids. I wish that more people in Cuban’s wealth class made this decision, as it would be beneficial to their families and the world.

Cuban began by talking about politics and then moved to AI. I closely follow AI and what they said was absolutely correct. We need to strike a balanced between developing this technology responsibly, while also ensuring that our adversaries do not develop it further and put the entire race at risk.

Let’s talk AI, and then close with the Product of the week: Mark Cuban’s Medicine Supply Company that operates under the “open and transparent” concept. An idea that has taken off in tech, but stands against people paying unreasonable prices for medicines.

Cuban’s firm, Cost Plus Drugs has full transparency and can profitably sell drugs for tens or even hundreds of dollars. Other companies charge thousands. Cost Plus Drugs, for example, sells a drug which costs $30,000 a month but is normally sold at $64.

Gen Z and AI

Stewart and Cuban share my age. Like me, they also know that the majority of boomers are not only unable to utilize AI effectively, but do not understand it sufficiently to protect us against its misuse.

Mark said that Generation Z (born between 1997 and2012) would be the most likely to accept AI’s potential and develop effective safeguards for its use. The youngest member of this group is just 12 years old, while the oldest one is 27 and is just beginning their career.

The next generation will have this capability, but as yet they are too young to have a significant impact on the world before AI’s dangers overwhelm us. Generation Z has the knowledge, the ability and the timing to make sure that AI is used for the benefit of humanity and not its destruction.

This will not be an easy task. I wish them luck. It was a tad depressing that he pointed out that our age group went from “sex, drugs, and rock & roll to Fox News,” which isn’t something I want to be remembered for, but that is, sadly, kind of accurate.

We can’t just shut down AI

A number of tech leaders were pushing hard to “pause AI development”. This effort seemed stupid to me because there was no one on earth who could stop the development of a technology with the potential to change the world, the nature and work in the global economy, or even redefine weapons to make them more lethal.

If you pause AI research domestically, you will not survive the next conflict you enter, if you do so. You might be promised that AI development will stop, but it will continue in secret and you won’t stop it.

Cuban was on message here, indicating it was critical for the nation that we aggressively develop AI, but also indicating that rather than stopping it, the effort should be on assuring the responsible development and use of the technology — something that, again, boomers aren’t up to doing.

We don’t yet know the future of AI

Cuban also noted that generative AI was still a relatively new technology, and we do not know its future direction. Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is now available.AGIThis is a very dangerous situation. It’s important to implement some kind of monitoring system and safeguards.

It’s good to know that for the time being, America dominates this technology. This is important both in terms of defense and business. Cuban believes that this is a positive for now. I agree, but it could be dangerous.

Stewart pointed out how this technology may damage jobs, labor pools and even businesses.

Cuban reiterated the fact that those who have grown up with the technology are the best people to put in place these safeguards. They will know how to balance the risks and innovation. If we do this wrong, it could lead to a problem which we are unable to solve, or an issue that another country will develop.

Cuban praises the Chips and Science Act As a first but not final step. The focus is on ensuring the U.S. maintains its critical mass of manufacturing in the event of conflict. The guardrail issue is not addressed yet. He said that Congress was not taking the threat seriously enough or that they didn’t know how to balance the approach in order to make sure that the solution wasn’t worse than what the problem was.

Wrapping up

You should take the opportunity to learn more about watch the video Be aware that Stewart’s discussion with Cuban begins with a political opinion. About halfway through the interview, Stewart begins to discuss AI.

This easy-to understand commentary will help you learn more about AI. The article balances the benefits of AI with its risks and makes an excellent case for managing AI to avoid slowing innovation, except in cases where there are unacceptable risks.

The specter of what would happen if the technology was developed by a foreign government to cause harm, but they lost control is also raised. Stewart and Cuban did not fully address the concept of an AI Shield It is critical to have it in place, before some illegal or foreign entity creates something against which none of our current defensive technologies can protect us.

Mark Cuban and Jon Stewart confirmed my belief that we’re not ready for the AI wave. We lack the safeguards necessary to keep it that way. I wish I could have better news.

Cost Plus Drugs

It’s not just you. I also get pissed off every time I see a report about the high prices of drugs around the globe. Most of the research and development is done in the U.S. We also pay for it at the highest prices, even though we often subsidise its development.

It’s not fair that people have to choose between food, shelter, and medication. The price of some medications is outrageous. Cuban and Cuban team at Cost Plus Drugs The price was made public so that you could see the original cost of the drug, the 15% markup, the expert fee (usually nominal), and the additional costs.

Cost Plus Drugs provides examples of its products on the website.

  • Imatinib: Retail Price $2,502.50 | $13.40 at Cost Plus Drugs
  • Abiraterone Acetate: Retail Price $1,093.20 | $26.90 at Cost Plus Drugs
  • Mesalamine: Retail Price $766.80 | $28.70 at Cost Plus Drugs

These are generic versions of Gleevec Zytiga and Canasa. Do you need to pay thousands more for a name brand? Cost Plus Drugs offers a list of their services. found here.

Costly drugs and excessive profits are killing those who can’t pay for them. Cost Plus Drugs delivers drugs at a fractional cost of most pharmacies. Costco itself is among the cheapest. Cost Plus Drugs can deliver drugs at a fraction of the cost of most pharmacies, even Costco which is one the most affordable. Health insurance would be cheaper, and companies who pay for coverage would see a massive reduction in costs.

Cost Plus Drugs has forced other providers into rethinking their prices. The result is a downward trend in drug prices. Cost Plus Drugs is also working on an initiative to “open up” all pricing for health care so that you can compare prices and choose a hospital based upon a cost comparison. This could save you thousands of dollars on overcharged costs.

Cost Plus Drugs is my Product of the Week because it does that. Cost Plus Drugs, because they do that, is my product of the week. Mark Cuban has just become my new tech hero.