A new approach in personalized computer instruction can help reduce the impact of teacher shortages. Understaffed classrooms are also a problem, as is the low level of self-learning. These issues have gotten worse since the pandemic.
The EdYOU solution uses an AI-powered, visionary learning tool to enhance the learning experience for students as well as career-changing adults.
Education Week, National Center for Education Statistics and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that 270,000 teachers or staff members quit or retire in the United States every year. The pandemic exacerbated the teacher shortage. In the past few years, at least 41 states as well as the District of Columbia have faced teacher shortages.
In most states, there are more vacancies and less qualified teachers in the classrooms today than in previous years. Over 55,000 vacancies in grades K-12 were reported for the end of last year. The U.S. Department of Education defines the three types of teacher shortages as unfilled positions (not filled), positions filled by underqualified educators, and positions filled in a subject that is not their certification.
Enrollment is either declining or static for programs that prepare teachers. The number of teachers quitting their classrooms increased in most states in the last 2 years, compared with the previous decade. Surveys revealed that an increasing percentage of teachers (12%) were unhappy with their job. More than 4/10 teachers stated that they are likely to quit their jobs in the next two-years.
Michael Everest is the founder and CEO at edYOU, a pioneering method of creatively overcoming the challenges that traditional teaching methods present. edYOU offers personalized tutoring and tools for learning, empowering students and teachers alike. It bridges the gaps created by staff shortages, and ensures that students get the attention they need.
“I created edYOU because I was passionate about improving the downward trend of education outcomes. EdYOU, the first AI company not to use a chatbot, but rather meta-humans that look and act like people. [animations] TechNewsWorld reported that the teacher prefers “to teach in real-time, without using recorded videos.”
The Academic Support Avatar: Adaptive AI Avatars
This approach is founded on adaptability. Everest has developed three avatars, which are AI entities that can be used on the platform. He explained that each avatar offers personalized and continual support, encouraging interactive communication, and providing a unique learning experience.
EdYOU’s APIs allow for easy integration with classroom software, learning management systems and enterprise tools. The website allows users of all ages to log in and select their academic support needs using a mobile app or web browser.
While students are studying, they can ask for their AI Avatar Maker to tutor or explain concepts in order to learn at their own speed. Hannah, Nova or Eddie can guide the selection of the correct answers when preparing multiple-choice tests.
As shown in the screenshot of the YouTube video by the company demonstrating its on-screen system, students can easily select their subject areas and interact with their study buddy avatars.
The digital didactic tutor will provide a detailed explanation of the error and the reasons why it occurred. This method allows for a better understanding of mistakes and a more thorough learning process.
Learn More Without Digital Distress
edYOU’s platform uses AI to provide a safe, effective and efficient educational experience at any location, be it home or school. In essence, the avatar takes on the role of a personal tutor.
By clicking the microphone icon, students can have a natural-sounding conversation without having to type their questions and read detailed responses. Clicking the microphone icon will start a natural-sounding conversation.
All conversations will be encrypted. The data of the students is anonymized before it’s analyzed by our technicians. Parents are able to view the transcripts of recordings and transcripts for their child, which provides transparency.
EdYOU’s support agents can be reached 24/7 by phone, email or chat in the app. You can reach a person at any time. The team includes Ph.D. researchers, former educators, child development specialists, data ethic experts, experienced AI researchers, and engineers.
Adaptability makes all the difference
Everest’s guided learning approach is different from other computer-assisted or guidebook-style solutions. Students can use their avatars to ask questions and get answers.
The platform uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) in order to customize personalized conversations according to the interests and knowledge of each learner. It does more than just regurgitate web information. Conversational “AI Beings” create mentor-like relationships to offer students a customized education at the next level.
EdYOU is a success because of its adaptability, according to Everest. Many existing solutions strive to create a program which does everything. He argues that AI programs must be taught to adapt to different situations and to present non-robotic personalities for each user.
He said, “That philosophy is what drives edYOU. It makes it universal yet still personal.”
In traditional education, there is little diversity in learning methods. Everest added that the attention spans of students in schools are well-documented. It’s not the case with avatar presentations.
Students can actively search for information if they do not understand something. Students do not have to be afraid of asking for help or feeling embarrassed in front of others, as they would in a traditional classroom.
Everest explained why some solutions may not suit every student. For example, certain questions may be difficult to answer online.
Why the Platform is a Success for Students and Teachers
The school curriculum is rarely updated, and neither are other learning programs. Students are using textbooks that date back up to 10 years, and outdated teaching methods.
It is difficult to ensure that all students achieve success when they are grouped together and some teachers have as many as 100 students. Everest noted that while the system works, it does not promote a higher rate of success, since these numbers continue falling each year.
AI creates a personalized tutoring experience based on the data and participant interactions. The AI technology is similar to a one-on-one tutoring system, but it’s backed by expert information and AI knowledge.
The tool is designed to encourage the safe use AI in education. Everest claims that responsible AI allows teachers to maximize their effectiveness, while also prioritizing their wellbeing.
This type of AI platform is a great tool for teachers and educators. It can provide support and enhance the learning experience. He said that it should be filtered properly to ensure accuracy of facts and alignment with approved curriculum.
He noted that “This level of support can be incredibly empowering to individuals who might otherwise feel discouraged or overwhelmed.”
Education: Advancing its Future
Everest says that the controlled use of AI in instructional applications is the future for modern education. He wanted people to not feel that they were only interacting tech. This is how the avatar idea was born.
The AI platform development was not a simple task. It was a long process that looked very different than what the initial vision.
Everest’s development journey took many years. He had to go through several trial and error attempts in order to achieve the meta-human he had imagined.