File has been removed by originating user.
Direct Download Links: Say goodbye to unnecessary steps. With a premium account, you can share files through direct download links, allowing others to bypass our download pages and access your files instantly.
Extended File Preservation: Worried about losing access to your files after a period of inactivity? Our premium package ensures that your files remain safe and accessible for a full year, even if they’re not actively used.
Convenient Remote Uploads: Uploading files from other online locations is a breeze with our remote upload feature. Provide the file’s link, and it will be seamlessly added to your account.
Unlimited Storage: Enjoy the freedom of limitless storage capacity. Our premium package eliminates concerns about running out of space or slow speeds, allowing you to store and share as much as you need without any restrictions.
Unlimited Bandwidth: No matter how frequently your files are accessed, you’ll never encounter bandwidth limits. Our premium account ensures that your uploads and downloads proceed smoothly, regardless of popularity.
50 GB File Uploads: Handle large files with ease. Our premium account supports file uploads of up to 50 GB, making it perfect for extensive projects, media collections, and backups.
Customizable Expiry Dates: Maintain control over your file’s availability with the option to set an expiry date for shared URLs. This feature allows you to specify when a link will no longer be accessible.
Bypass Download Pages: Streamline the download process with direct access to files. The premium package lets you bypass intermediary download pages, reducing interruptions and extra clicks.
Ad-Free Experience: Enjoy an uninterrupted experience with no advertisements. Focus solely on your files and tasks without the distraction of ads.
Receive Uploads from Others: Collaborate easily by allowing others to upload files directly into your folder. Provide their email address and specify their permission level to facilitate smooth file sharing.
API Access: Integrate our platform with your existing systems effortlessly. Our robust API allows you to automate and manage your file processes seamlessly.
Priority Support: Get the assistance you need when you need it. Our dedicated support team provides priority service to resolve your issues quickly and efficiently.
Our premium account package unlocks features to enhance your file management and sharing experience.
With our Premium Account Access, you can get more from
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
50 GB Size File Upload
Non-active File Removal 60 Days
Bypass Download Pages
Remote URL Upload
API Access
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
50 GB Size File Upload
Non-active File Removal 1 Year
No Advertisements
Share Direct Download Links
Bypass Download Pages
Remote URL Upload
API Access
Unlimited Storage
Unlimited Bandwidth
50 GB Size File Upload
Non-active File Removal 30 Days
Bypass Download Pages
Your files will not be deleted as long as they are regularly downloaded. When a file no longer receives downloads, it becomes inactive and is subject to deletion. The number of days after non-active files are removed for temp accounts (30 Days), registered accounts (60 Days), and premium accounts (1 Year). Non-active = time since the last download.
Drag and drop the files into the uploader on fastupload. After the file upload is completed, you will be given a unique URL that can be shared with others.
Our service allows you to upload files of any type, such as .zip, .rar, .apk, video, and images, as long as they adhere to the Terms of Service.
No Limit is placed on the number of files that can be downloaded. Your file uploads can be accessed continuously and downloaded without any bandwidth restrictions.
Each file you upload must be no more than 50 GB. If it is larger than that, your file will be rejected.
Yes. Hosting music and videos is allowed as long as the content adheres to terms and conditions and you have the copyright.
The file-hosting services offered by are free for everyone.
Simply click the "download" button if you have been provided with a unique URL for an upload file.
Any file that violates any law, our terms and conditions, or has been flagged as malicious by third parties or will be deleted immediately without warning.
If you believe the uploaded file violates any laws or our terms of service, use the Report File page or email [email protected].
If you need assistance, please contact us at [email protected].