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5 Ways Retailers can Boost Online Sales with a Personal Touch

As more consumers move away from the challenges and limitations of in-store retail, which were exacerbated recently by supply chain problems, they are turning to the convenience of online marketplaces and their on-demand nature.

Online vendors continue to hear from consumers what improvements they need. Online shoppers want more personalization. But many of the newcomers to ecommerce are not yet able to meet those needs.

E-commerce’s success is largely dependent on two factors. One is the ability of the merchant to balance a store look and feel, where customers can browse products while talking to an associate. Another is a personalized interactive shopping experience.

According to Warren Jolly of the e-commerce firm Brand Builders, in a more difficult economy, online sellers must make their money and efforts go further. adQuadrant. Vendors must therefore spend their media dollars more effectively to provide a personalized and tailored customer experience.

He told the E-Commerce Times, “I believe it’s definitely a evolution. Personalization has come a very long way since the days when you could only personalize an email.”

The following is a list from e-commerce professionals of the strategies they use to deliver the personalized experience that online customers crave.

1. Generative AI – The Power of Generative AI

Christena Garcia, CEO of Brand Response Media, said Gen AI is the cornerstone to revolutionize e-commerce. Media Culture. Its contributions are multi-faceted, ranging from tailoring customer recommendations based upon intricate data to dynamically producing personalized content across multiple touchpoints.

The E-Commerce Times reported that “generative AI” allows for highly-targeted product recommendations by analysing a customer’s previous purchases, browsing patterns and preferences.

She added that this technology goes beyond simple suggestions, utilizing dynamic content generation to create personalized marketing materials such as unique product description and tailored emails.

Garduno says that many AI tools are user-friendly and lower the adoption barriers. She listed these AI tools for vendors as options:

  • Copy.ai The tool provides a variety of templates and tips to help users who don’t feel comfortable writing marketing copy. This tool simplifies the writing process by offering inspiration and guidance.
  • JasperSimilar to Copy.ai has many features such as the ability to create long-form content and Boss Mode which allows users to fine-tune AI’s creativity process.
  • Canva This visual design tool uses artificial intelligence (AI) to make it easier for you to create graphics that look professional. You can use this tool for creating infographics, presentations and social media postings. The tool also provides a variety of templates and design elements.
  • Lumen5 Natural language processing is used to convert text into video content. This tool can be used for advertising and product descriptions.
  • SnatchBot It is a platform that allows you to build chatbots with a focus on customer service. It provides a visual interface to create bots that allow SMBs provide personalized customer service.

2. Add Visual Search and Voice Assistant Features

Garduno explained that the two technologies were useful for a variety of reasons. They improve customer satisfaction and accelerate purchasing among others.

Voice assistants are a hands-free, easy to use way for users to interact with ecommerce sites. She explained that users can benefit from speaking orders or questions out loud, particularly when manually entering information is difficult, like while driving or doing multiple tasks.

Also, voice assistants are able to support a conversational style of engagement that is more in tune with how people speak.

3. Ensure a cohesive CX across all devices and platforms

First and foremost, it is important to ensure that the user experience is consistent across all devices or platforms.

Michael Murdza is vice president of products at Customer Engagement Platform firm. He recommended that marketers without a mobile application should create a responsive version based on their desktop browsing experience, or have at least the same look-and-feel. MessageGears.

The E-Commerce Times reported that “a consistent data-driven individualization is only possible with a data-collection strategy across all devices and platforms.”

A second strategy is providing offers, recommendations, remarketing strategies, such as abandoned cart alerts, sourced and orchestrated through a single point of truth.

He said that this comes back to having an accurate 360-degree view of your customers, so you can leverage their browse, click and purchase behaviors regardless of the channel.

4. Marketers should use the most recent best practices to improve their marketing

Retailers should provide a compelling customer experience at every touchpoint. Vincent Peters is the CEO of a P2C platform company. He said: “Product information in ads and listings must be high quality, accurate, consistent, tailored to each channel and should be tailored to every channel.” Productsup.

Remember to keep in mind [that] Implementing AI tools that do not work well with each other can add chaos. AI should consolidate operations by centralizing work flows within a single platform. This will allow retailers to easily manage product content across all touchpoints.

Peters sees that the most common dynamic marketing techniques are flash sales and geo-targeted campaign. He also recommends products based on regular updates based upon predictive analytics.

Data analytics and artificial intelligence can be used in real-time to analyze the behavior of users and adjust content on websites, product recommendations and promotions dynamically based upon individual preferences.

“This increases the likelihood of conversion and engagement for users,” he explained.

5. Use advanced post-purchase personalization

Jolly from AdQuadrant believes that continuing to engage with customers after a sale is an effective way of enhancing customer personalization. He suggested a personalized deal, or making recommendations based on the recent purchases.

“This is an example how brands are investing more and doing better to increase lifetime value of customers and retention through hyper-personalizing their experience post-purchase,” said he.

Upsells and cross sales have been done by people since the beginning of time. Technology allows merchants to enhance their experience.

Why Personalization is Worth the Effort

It is important to add a personal touch to the e-commerce process in order for it be competitive. Garduno of Media Culture noted that this shows a more sophisticated understanding of consumer expectations, beyond the obvious advantages of increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction.

She stated that customers want to be able to customize their experiences based on their preferences, lifestyles and habits as technology evolves.

Customization means more than making suggestions for tailored products. Customization is a way for retailers to show their commitment to building trust with customers, getting to know them, and achieving success in an ever-changing e-commerce world.

She concluded, “This is a key differentiator for businesses in a highly competitive market. It impacts customer choice and brand advocacy when they are looking to build meaningful relationships with companies.”