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Musk Venture Unveils ChatGPT Competition ‘Grok

Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence venture xAI announced a generative AI called Grok on Saturday, which could be a competitor to leaders in this field such as ChatGPT, Bard. Claude.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy inspired Grok, an AI that can answer virtually any question and even, harder still, suggest the questions you should ask! The xAI team posted an online message.

Please don’t use Grok if you dislike humor! They continued.

Grok’s real-time world knowledge is a fundamental and unique advantage. [Twitter] They added. “It can also answer questions that other AI systems reject, such as spicy questions.”

The team also invited other users to join. sign up on a waiting list to try Grok During a trial period, only verified X/Twitter Users are eligible to take part in the test.

The Value of Rebellious Laughter

Neither rebelliousness nor humor is likely to give Grok — a word coined in Robert A. Heinlein’s science fiction novel “Stranger in a Strange Land” — an advantage over established leaders in the domain, argued Greg Sterling, co-founder of Near MediaA website for news, analysis and commentary.

He told TechNewsWorld that “whether it can do useful things other AIs can’t will determine if its competitive.”

Mark N. Vena is president and principal analyst of SmartTech ResearchSan Jose, Calif.

He told TechNewsWorld: “It is important to keep in mind that the AI sector is diverse, and includes a variety of applications and uses cases.” “Some customers will appreciate an unconventional or humorous approach while others might prioritize reliability, performance and security.”

Vena stated that the ultimate success of Grok depends on its ability deliver value to its customers and meet their needs effectively, regardless its design approach.

Joe Karasin a specialist in social media marketing with, said that some industries may be open to the idea of a rebellious bot. Karasin PPC In Lapeer, Mich., he said: “It could even be a way to make AI more acceptable and accessible for consumers.”

“While many businesses are sold on AI’s use, consumers are often afraid of it. Businesses may find that a consumer-friendly approach will help them make their AI products more appealing to customers,” said he.

Spicy Questions

Rob Enderle is the president and principal analyst at the Enderle GroupAn advisory services firm from Bend, Ore., highlighted the limitations of humorous and rebellious chatbots. He told TechNewsWorld that people like things which do what they ask them to. “An AI that occasionally goes off track is not very useful.”

He said, “It will be interesting to see if we can make it happen in a humorous way rather than an annoying one.”

“Like taste in food or fashion, having a sense of humor varies greatly from one person — or culture — to the next,” added John Gallagher, vice president of Viakoo Labs is a provider of IoT-automated cyber hygiene in Mountain View, Calif.

“In general,” he said to TechNewsWorld “attempting to make a platform seem humorous, flippant and rebellious or snarky will likely trivialize its value for an organization.”

Grok’s ability to respond to “spicy queries” will not set it apart from its rivals. Sterling says that while Musk’s tech bro-acolytes may appreciate the feature, it will not be able to give Grok a competitive edge or game changer.

“Who decides and to whom does it matter what is considered too spicy? Gallagher posed the question. “Will age-appropriate guidelines be in place, or is this going to become a free-for all that could potentially pass harmful or distorted messages or information on to vulnerable populations or people?”

He added, “There are many negative ramifications if you get this wrong, but very few positive ones if you do it correctly.”

Engagement and Risky Move

Vena asserts that implementing an AI-based approach to provide “spicy” answers, which are not usually provided by chatbots, can be engaging as well as risky.

He added that, “on the plus side, it can enhance brand differentiation, user experience and entertainment value.” It may lead to inappropriate responses or offenses, misunderstandings, as well as a lack seriousness, in situations where accuracy and reliability are important.

Joseph Thacker is a security researcher at AppOmniSan Francisco is home to a SaaS provider of security.

“It might make Grok more useful and interesting in some situations, but there could be ethical and legal concerns,” he added. “For example, Grok could be harmed if it is asked to share information on illegal or sensitive topics.

The xAI team praised the use of X/Twitter as a valuable resource in Grok’s large-language model. However, some experts questioned the value of this data.

Enderle argued that the accuracy of Grok will be all over.

Sterling said, “There are many diverse conversations in the Twitter data but I doubt the depth and knowledge of the data.” “I’m certain there’s a lot more misinformation and propaganda, too.” “So overall quality might be an issue.”

Operating System for the Sky

Vena pointed out that using X/Twitter information has both benefits and drawbacks. “Grok provides real-time insights, because Twitter data offers real-time information. This makes it valuable to stay up-to-date on current trends and news as well as public sentiment,” said Vena.

He also noted that Twitter data could be noisy and biased. “There are also contextual ambiguity risk as Twitter’s limited character limit can result in ambiguous or incomplete data, which challenges AI’s abilities to understand and respond accurately,” observed he.

He added: “Let’s not forget about content quality problems, as not all Twitter content will be reliable or high-quality, which could impact the reliability of insights derived therefrom.”

Luke Richey is the co-founder of and chief visionary at Gravity JackSpokane-based, a computer vision and augmented reality company, has developed a new product.

He told TechNewsWorld that Elon Musk was moving 100 pieces at once.

He continued, “Grok’s just one piece in a larger play.” “Those who criticize his plans don’t see the big picture. They only focus on one thing.”

He said, “He uses current rhetoric to draw attention to what he’s doing.” “He’s planning an AI-based OS for the sky.” The cars, traffic and financial systems will be run on the blockchain and on X. It is only the beginning.”